Lenten Reassurance

“Seven times in the day,” Benedict writes, quoting the psalmist, “I have rendered praise to You” (Ps. 119:164). In Chapters 17 and 18 of the Rule, Benedict goes on to specify the order of psalms to be said at the smaller offices throughout the day: Terce (mid-morning), Sext (mid-day) and None (mid-afternoon). “At Terce, SextContinue reading “Lenten Reassurance”


Today is the feast day of St. Scholastica, Benedict’s twin sister. The two siblings were born around 480 to a Roman noble family in Nursia, Italy. Although little is known of her early life, she founded a religious community for women five miles from Monte Cassino where her brother was abbot. Following her brother’s example of totalContinue reading “Scholastica”