
Excerpted and edited from A Confirmation of Faith (Resource/Wipf & Stock) What is the meaning of Christ’s death? might be a question we ask ourselves as we approach Good Friday. On the one hand, traditional Christian teaching has been that Christ was our substitute on the cross to atone for the sins that we, God’s rebellious creatures, haveContinue reading “Atonement”

Lenten Reassurance

“Seven times in the day,” Benedict writes, quoting the psalmist, “I have rendered praise to You” (Ps. 119:164). In Chapters 17 and 18 of the Rule, Benedict goes on to specify the order of psalms to be said at the smaller offices throughout the day: Terce (mid-morning), Sext (mid-day) and None (mid-afternoon). “At Terce, SextContinue reading “Lenten Reassurance”


The Christian feast of Epiphany primarily commemorates the visit of the Magi to the Christ child, which in turn represents Christ’s physical manifestation to the Gentiles. It is also sometimes called Three Kings’ Day or Little Christmas. In the Orthodox Church, Epiphany is known as Theophany and commemorates Christ’s baptism by John in the Jordan River.Continue reading “Epiphany”